Monday, 21 July 2008

Heading for the Grand Union Canal

Well yesterday was a big one. I set off from Newark at just after 9-o-clock after a good nights kip in a room above a very loud disco in the Broadway pub - walking all day is the best cure for insomnia. Thirteen and a half hours and 26 miles later I arrived in The Sugar Loaf in AB Kettleby where I met Sam, Matt and Alex. I've been enjoying their company and hospitality ever since and am about to set off to Melton and then, hopefully on to the  Grand Union Canal by the end of the day. I'm carrying a very fine packed lunch so with luck I'll make good progress.

All the best,

Love Ewen


Anonymous said...

13 miles is quite a long one with walking boots! Hope the canal proves to be easy on the souls of your feet. Reminds me of Paul Simon's 'Diamonds on the soles of his feet' - would be useful as it's the hardest material!!
Stroll on

Anonymous said...

dear Ewen we are so proud for yr doing and we hope u good luck also...thank you very much to understand our country and we wish for yr life really good and hoping our country more better,,,,,by getting democracy....

(Myanmar students at Thailand)